
Unwilling vows - 14

Deviation Actions

Radiklement's avatar

Literature Text

Associates till death do us part

Branded love


The young princess shook her head, her hands shaking and her rapier still bouncing on the floor, before to stop between them both.

"I can't Noctis, I can't do it. Don't you understand? I'm gonna turn into a monster. I can't realize my Focus. It's too much for me. I can't do what they asked me to do."

"You just have to tell me what it is, Stella, I'll help you, I'll do it for you, it's going to be okay, I swear I'll…"

"Don't! Nothing will be okay anymore. Nothing! My Focus was to kill you Noctis, how am I supposed to do that?! I love you, and they asked me to kill you!"

He backed away, disbelief in his eyes, his mouth hanging open. It couldn't be true. His Stella who was turned into a l'cie couldn't have such a terrible Focus to complete. He said he would help her, but he thought she had to slain a monster or…

"Why?" was all he was able to say as she began to cry.

"They think you're going to destroy them. So they have to destroy you first. You'll stop them in bringing Orphan back if you're left alive. But I can't do it. I can't…!"


His throat felt dry. He couldn't think straight. He wanted to hold her in his arms, to calm her down, to cry with her. He wanted to yell out his rage for this unfair fate they were bounded to. How could he grant her Focus? How could he be so selfish to cling on to his life when it was the only obstacle between her and eternity?

"Noctis, you must keep in mind that I'll never forget you. I love you, I really do and even if I won't be there as we'd promised, I'll watch over you. Do as they feared, destroy them! I wish you could bring an end to this never ending cycle of slavery we're living. I wish… I wish I could be by your side to help you through it. But it seems Orphan choose another path for me."

As she said that, her boots slowly began to turn into claws. Her skin was going brown, she was growing taller and bigger, her whole image distorted with pain and failure. She yelled, throwing back her head. He winced at her cry and forced himself to stay still, not to turn his back and run. He didn't know what to do. Could he stop her pain? Could he grab her face and tear her away from that monster she was turning into? Her clothes burst and her distorted body began to move as her old features disappeared behind a shell of rocks and crystal intertwined.


"This is not my name anymore."

He didn't know how he could understand her. A small but hard breath, like a creepy whistle was coming out from her. He felt shivers running through his back as she walked. Her movements were strange, erratic; her limbs were following axes they shouldn't. She was crying in his mind. Her sword on the ground flashed an instant, catching a glimpse of the moonlights. He was blinded by the sudden light. He felt weak inside, like if his heart was beating slower. He could have sworn that he skipped one or two beats when suddenly, her claws tore his shirt and chest, leaving bloody trails on his face and the ground on which he fell.

"I'll finish my Focus now. Stop me please! Noctis! Noctis…"

He backed away, one hand clasped on his fresh wound. His breathing was uneasy, his lungs were burning, and his eyes were filling with tears as he felt his summoned swords surrounding him.

"I can't. Stella, please…"

"Do it!"

She tried to stab him with her claws and he rolled on himself to avoid the hit. He felt dizzy. He was scared, terrified. There were no words to describe how he felt.


He wanted to shake his head, to run away, to close his eyes. But he had only one option. Even if it disgusted him. And the real Stella was telling her to go all out.

"Kill me before it's too late. Kill me, please, so that I can stay myself in your memories at least."


The cie'th cried with anger and threw its head at him, all fangs out. Noctis couldn't hold it back anymore; he was shaking from head to toe. He knew he was dead. But if Stella couldn't kill him, even to save herself, no one else had the right to. His swords flew through the air. They cut through her hard skin, through her limbs, through everything. The blood was dark and black as it fell on him. Her body fell right after the blood. He was pushed to the floor, all the air in his lungs out, and it took a while to understand what had just happened. Then, he dared to open his eyes again. And he saw her dreadful face next to him. The fading crystal eye, the rock-alike skin around a small crater behind which the ghost of her loved face lingered. Her lips were frozen in a silent cry. She was gone. Not only a cie'th, she was gone now.
His breathing got heavier, and he began to tremble even more. Her Focus was to kill him, but it was him who turned out to be the killer in the end. He was the monster she had to slain and he…

He pushed her away, afraid by the blood on his hands and covering his face. He was drenched with her blood. His side was still hurting him. His swords were all stuck in her corpse. His stomach churned at the sight. He retched. He tried to breathe in slowly. The pressure felt too strong. His hand tightened over his chest, as if it could stop the blood from coming out. Or the pain from growing up inside him. He couldn't hear anything but his own harsh breathing.

"This can be happening. This can't be!"

He looked at her again. It was true. Painfully true. He tried to let it sink in, to bear with it. He was going to go mad, wasn't he? Things couldn't be any other way. Not with what he had just done. He brought his hands to his face. They were dark, all black and sticky from the blood. Always so much blood to stain his hands. He couldn't stop himself from trembling now.

"Why… Dammit, Stella, why?!"

He woke up with his yell stuck in his throat, sitting up as soon as he felt the cold air of the night and the few drops of sweat on his forehead and in his back. Lying next to him, Lightning moaned softly in her sleep, without even flinching. He tried to calm down his breathing first. He was panting, as if his nightmare had just taken place. It was the dreadful truth over Stella's death, he couldn't deny it. He felt bad for loving someone else after doing such a mistake. He was still scared, even more with each minute that passed, that he could end up doing the same thing to Lightning. He closed his eyes, trying to repress the pictures playing in his mind. He shivered before to reopen his eyes. No way was he going to sleep again tonight.

His side hurt a bit, just as when his injury was fresh and new. He had to change his mind, but he couldn't think of anything.

"Lightning." , he whispered, trying to see if she was really sleeping or not.


He lied down next to her, wrapping his arms around her. He had to forget. To live on. How could he forget something like that? Lightning turned to face him, still sleeping.

"Tell me your name, dear."


"Your real name, my love."

"Nocty…", she replied.

The warm feeling in his chest made him feel so guilty when she whispered his name like this… He had realized before that when he would hold her while she was sleeping, she would whisper this strange nickname. And coming from her, he kind of liked it. But now, it felt so wrong.

"Tell me anything, anything Lightning, but please, help me forget." he begged, trying to bury his face in her neck.

Her arms wrapped around him. He knew she was still asleep, he was sure of it; she'd never called him Nocty while awake. He shivered. And as he waited to hear something else from her, all he could get from his patient listening were soft moans and a charming small snoring.

"Alright, alright, I get it."

Just the feeling of her next to him helped him calm down anyway. But the memories of the nightmare didn't let him fall back to sleep. He slowly got up, trying to find something to do while waiting for the sun to rise. His mind was still filled with Stella's cie'th's transformation. He sat in a corner, after making sure Lightning was covered with both their covers and took a little book out of his pocket.

Dear Stella,

Funny that I still need to write to you like this after all that'd happen. You see, the people from Tenebrae won't let me near your grave, so, I guess it's the only way I have to talk to you. I did another nightmare. I'm sure you know already anyway. I still miss you. At the same time, I'm angry for feeling like this. I've never told you about Lightning, did I? At first, it was a reason marriage, like what you were supposed to have yourself. She's a little like you, in some ways. I hate comparing her to you but… I really can't help it. I love her you know. You wouldn't be mad, would you? I feel so stupid writing this all down. But I can't get you out of my mind. I wish I could see you just one last time. To be sure you don't resent me for…
He couldn't write anything more, his hands were shaking too much.

"Am I wrong Stella? Am I wrong to love her now? And to want her? Did I wait long enough, or is it too soon?"

He looked down at his feet. Then Lightning shifted in her sleep. And suddenly, she began to yell, making him jump and widen his eyes.

"Don't you…! What are you doing Rook, stop it, don't…!"

Noctis frowned, puzzled and a little worried. She never had that kind of nightmares before. Her voice never felt that much scared. Even when she was scared of him the other day. He walked back to her, sitting down and bringing her softly in his arms. She tried to push him away, as if he was Rook and her tensed body was shaking with all her strength. Her eyes were closed and tears were rolling down her cheeks.

"Lightning, it's okay, it's just a nightmare."

"Don't touch me, don't… Rook, don't!"

She punched him in the head, fighting with the famous Rook to get away from his grip. Noctis had to shake his head before to grab her by the shoulders and shook her as softly as he could.

"Wake up! Lightning, there's no Rook here. No one's going to hurt you."

It took her some minutes, but she ended up opening her teary eyes, looking afraid beyond words. She was still shaking and as she recognized him, she burst in sobs, throwing herself in his arms to hide her face. One of her hand gripped hard on his shirt, as if he could disappear at any moment. As he held her close, he could feel her other hand between them, on her stomach, as to hold back a terrible pain.

"Lightning." , he whispered. "It's all over. It's all over now." he repeated, stroking her hair and trying to hold back his imagination that was already drawing the worst case scenarios in his mind to explain all this.

"I didn't want it to happen. He said it was my fault, but I'm sure I never tried to…"

"What… What happened Lightning?"

"I killed him. As soon as he began to tear my shirt apart, I killed him, I was so scared!"

Oh my god, he thought. That sure explained a lot of things. As for her shyness in all those daring dresses his mother forced her to wear; or her fear when he would get too close at first; or even her inexperience in intimate relationships.

"When did that happen?!"

He wanted to comfort her, but he was so mad to hear that a man could hurt her like that and ever try to force himself on her. She said the man was dead, but maybe she had just injured him and the bastard was still running. Noctis was already planning one or three ways of killing him with his summoned swords.

"I was fifteen. He was one of my soldiers. I'd never expected him to…"

Between her sobs, she was hardly able to speak. But it was all coming out, as if it'd been kept secret for too long.

"Of course you didn't. It's okay Light. It's okay."

He was trying to convince himself at the same time, but he wasn't really expecting that. Was she acting always so tough to hide the little girl that had been hurt too many times by the cruel adults' world? No, she really was tough. It just seems that, like him, she sometimes couldn't take the pressure.

"I can't believe I just told you…"

"Why? I think I should have known a while ago already."

He wasn't sure how he was supposed to touch her anymore. He felt bad for ever staring at her now.

"I never told anyone, not even Serah.", she replied.

"Holy crap… You can't keep something like that all for yourself, it's sure to drive you crazy."

"You think I'm crazy?"

"I think that if that Rook guy wasn't already dead, I'd give him a lesson even hell would remember."

She managed to laugh through her tears and buried her face even deeper in his chest. Her shaking had softened.

"It's really, really different when you touch me. When you hold me. I feel so protected. I never wanted to need someone's protection after that. You're making me going soft."

"Is it really a bad thing?"

"The old Lightning would have said yes. But I'm Light now. And I really feel lighter."

"Look at me, Light Farron."

She backed away a little in his arms so that she could look at him in the eyes. First, he wiped away her tears. But he kept her face in his hands and she grabbed them in hers, never wanting him to let go.

"I thought I had already told you that you should never hide anything that big to me."

"How would you bring up this kinda subject? So yeah, they said there will be sun tomorrow, and oh that's right, did I ever tell you that I almost got raped when I was a teenager?!"

"You know what I mean dear. Don't try to joke around."

She blinked before to lay her head in the hollow of his neck and to sigh in his chest. He could feel her breathing through the fabric of his shirt and it sent a shiver through his spine. It really wasn't the time though.

"Anyway, it's not like you at all to talk about the weather."

"I know. But I'm not really sure anymore what it feels like to be myself."

"You've been secluding the real Light behind that strong Lightning not to be hurt again, is that it?"

"It was pretty naïve of me, wasn't it?"

"It was. Since Light is way stronger then Lightning."


"Light never fades, should it be in peoples' heart or in the sky."

She looked up at him, slightly blushing. He really was saying the cutest things every now and then; and she was always swept off her feet when he would do that. He looked a bit unsure and a small breeze came in their cave and toyed with his locks. Even if he hadn't had the title, he would look like a prince. He smiled at her and she smiled back. She was sitting in his lap, but the closeness felt reassuring. His eyes on her never reminded her of Rook's and it had felt right to be with him from the very start, as if it was meant to be.

"Maybe it's wrong, but I really want to kiss you now.", he admitted.

"Go on. Help me forget my nightmare. And I'll try to erase yours." she replied, stroking gently his cheek.

"What do you…"

"I know you've been having a hard night even before I wake you up with my cries. You always got that look on your face when you've had bad dreams."

He felt a soft feeling in his chest melting up with the guilt as she said that. She already knew him better than himself on some sides… This was a bit scary and it felt good at the same time.

"Come now, Noct. We must live for the present. For us."

He didn't thought she would let him have his way right after what he had heard. He was scared of going too far even more than before. But at the same time, kissing her felt like the only way to forget and erase their worries. Her lips tasted salty this time, because of her tears and he felt even madder than he already did about that Rook guy. But her hands behind his neck kept him as close as they could. Their kiss turned passionate before mere seconds. It was hard to be apart, even for breathing. The more he knew about her, the more he wanted to love her, to prove her that he was different from all those who've been hurting her, that he was better. It wasn't quite right to have such a crazy thought, but Noctis had always been despised. Stella had loved him when he still considered himself as a human. Lightning loved him despite the danger he meant to her. Maybe she loved him a little because he was so dangerous. She didn't mind, she could be just as dangerous as him on certain levels.

Before he knew it, she was kneeling in his lap, to press her body closer to his, pushing him against the wall. She was just as hungry as him. Her hands were still clumsy and hesitated a lot. He tried not to touch anything else then her back and head, but it was so tempting. She moaned his name as he started kissing her neck; and she held him close. Her skin was so soft, her shivers were so good, her warm, her scent, it was all overwhelming. His hands wandered everywhere they could; touching her through the clothing. Her hair in his face was tickling him a bit, but he kept kissing her, sending shivers of pleasure through her whole body. Lightning didn't know how far she could take it. He felt a bit more demanding than on the beach. As if he wanted her all, right there and right now. His lips were as fire lighting up her skin and she felt a sweet tension building up inside her.

To think she had kept away from this because of one man's foolish act in the past. To think she still felt a little scared now, as Noctis hands were getting to know her every curve. Her butt, her small belly. Her legs. He lingered on that area, caressing the naked skin, letting his nails stroke the skin slowly. Going up and down, from her knees to the very end of her tights. Suddenly, she was aware of her whole body and moreover, of his. She wanted to touch him like he touched her, to drive him as mad as he did for her. She should be able to do it, after all, she wasn't completely innocent. Then his hands went up her waist and up and … Suddenly, Noctis' back hit the hard floor and Lightning was holding his hands to the ground above his head, before to pin him on the floor for another kiss.

She really was a quick learner and it seems it was as far as she would let him go. But it didn't mean she wouldn't play with him a little.

"Lightning…" he whispered as she sat for the second time of the day on him. "You really like to dominate me, do you?"

"Well, wives have the right to do that to their husband, you know."

She was slightly red in the face and they were both looking for their breath.

"What's that look on your face?"

"Tell me you love me, Noctis."


She kissed him on the lips before he could end his sentence. She let go his hands to touch him, wandering what she was supposed to do to please him without turning him totally on. She slipped slowly her hands under his shirt to discover his chest. The scars were softer than the rest of his skin, tender… and suddenly, she knew he was as vulnerable as her.

"I really don't know what to do from here on." she complained between two kisses.

He smirked at her mixed boldness and shyness.

"Just kiss me for now. Any more than that, and I don't know what I could do." , he warned her.

"You really want me that way too?"

"Hell yeah."

At least, he was frank…

"You know, I want you too."

He blinked at her bold comment. She wanted him? Even with all that she'd been through in her life and because of him in the last few days? Of course, since the beach, they had kissed a lot, but it didn't have to mean that much. And this sentence, said on her soft, hot ton was more than enough to turn him on.

"But I'm still scared." She added. "Not by you, but by my own reaction. I don't want to end up pushing you away at the last moment. I don't want to hurt you."

"Well, saying that while you're on top of me…"

"Want me to get off?"

He shook his head.

"I love you Lightning, d'you know it?"

"I love you too, and I know you do, moron!"

He laughed. The night had begun with terrible nightmare for both of them, but it seems it would be nicer than what he had thought.

The sun hadn't entirely set when they got out of the cave. It was hard to let go of each other. He wanted to hold her in his arms the whole day, but she still wanted to see more of Pulse. And he was ready to show her. They ride on Gorof, but this time, none of them was driving. Lightning tried to look at the scenery, but Noctis' kisses were far more interesting. It was all so new, so refreshing. She never thought she would be the lovey-dovey type, but there she was. And suddenly, she could forgive what she saw the last time she had surprised her sister and Snow together. Still after an hour or two of all the mushy stuff, they both got bored of it and their hunger for adventure set them on a quicker pace.

"Hey, what's that on the horizon? Ruins?"

"It's Shalon's shrine. We'll just have a look at it from the outside, since there is supposed to be a fal'cie inside."

"Why, you're worried I could be turn into a l'cie?" she tried to joke.

"No, when I get to near to fal'cie, I kinda go… berserk."

"For someone who's not a l'cie himself, you seem really stuck up on destroying all the fal'cies in this world."

"Well, that's proof I'm no l'cie, ain't it?"

"Yeah. Let's see this shrine now!"

The temple was made in a strange way. Four pillars supporting a flat ceiling were placed around a dark hole that dived in the ground and seemed to go far under it. The construction was covered with plants and flowers of all kind and the stone under it seemed used by time and nature's course.

"Who was this Shanon?"

"Shalon.", he corrected her. "She was the first l'cie ever mentionned in Pulse's history and made five miracles in her life before to be turn to crystal. Before that the shrine was built, there was a small crater here and she had fallen in by accident."

"There she met the fal'cie and was turned into his slave."

"Mind your words if you were to be listen by our people, Light. She was blessed by the fal'cie. Still, I can only agree with you on that."

"Do the people of Pulse still revere fal'cie, as in Cocoon?"

"Well, most of them does, but when they're turn to l'cie, it's another story. Since being a l'cie looks good on your curriculum here, it's not that bad, but some people cannot accept it. And if a family member ever turned into a cie'th, he's to be killed and forgotten by all his relatives and his name should never be said again. Being a cie'th is a curse just as being a l'cie is a blessing in our people's minds. They're not evil, they just don't understand it until they're in it."

"In that case, the fact that you've been killing fal'cie must make them angry at you."

She looked worried as she remarked that and he smiled while forcing Gorof to slow down.

"I've always been the black sheep no matter with whom I was. And I guess my killing of Tenebrae's fal'cie could start more wars in the end. But most people are just too scared to try a revolution. And our fal'cie in Lucis was killed a long time ago by one of my ancestor and Vanille and Fang."

Lightning rolled her eyes, discouraged by the crazy background of that little story. Pulse really was strange, but just with his own personal history and his relatives; Noctis sure was the strangest of all men she'd ever met.


"What? What is it Gorof?"

The chocobo was looking around, uneasily. The ground started shaking under them. Noctis looked back and his eyes widened with shock.

"We have to get out of here. Gorof!"

A bunch of behemoths, a whole horde was running in their direction. This wasn't supposed to happen at this time of year, Noctis knew it. Their migration only happened during winter and it was spring. But since the last death of the few fal'cies he had killed –three to be accurate- Pulse wasn't really balanced anymore. Or so it seems.

Noctis' chocobo panicked at the sight and threw the young couple to the ground, just before the shrine. The bird ran away, while the young married people shook their head, getting back their stance. Noctis was already up, he was farther to the shrine than his wife. Lightning tried to get up, but the earth shaking because of the behemoths running kept her down. And then, she felt the fragile soil crumble under her weight.

"Noctis!" she yelled as she felt herself falling.

He didn't even have the time to turn around, the hole between the pillars was growing bigger and the ground under his feet couldn't hold his weight either anymore. As he looked at her, he saw her falling. He had to rescue her before things get really bad! He summoned his swords to stop his own fall first. But nothing came out and he kept on falling down. The dirt blinded him and stuck in his mouth as he tried to yell. He clenched his teeth. He had to calm down. To concentrate. To summon his swords. But it wasn't working at all. As if he was back to the simple and weak human he once was. Rocks hit him in the fall. He felt blood and cold sweat in his back. He was falling faster now. It seemed this hole was bottomless.

Come on, man, come on, why isn't it working?! , he thought. Lightning needs me now. Why can't I help her now!

A bigger rock hit the back of his neck right before that he crashed in the ground. The pain was too strong, for an instant, he thought he had just broken his neck. He tried to shift, to get up, but his body felt numb from all the shocks. He slowly raised his own weight, before to collapse to the hard floor. Then, as he did his best to keep his consciousness, he fainted. He never heard the second yell of Lightning as she fell in the distance and met the fal'cie of the shrine…

What, what is this place? To think the ground was so fragile that it all crumbles under us… Where's
Noctis? Where am I? It's cold.

Lightning landed on her back on a soft and grassy ground. Actually, the grass had absorbed most of her fall and she was feeling good if it wasn't for her dizziness and her urge to throw up. As she got up, she was met with an unbelievable sight. Everything around her was crystallized, except for that spot of green where she had miraculously landed.

"What the…"

The ground was crystallized around her, the walls, the plants, the flowers. And eight crystal pillars were standing next to the wall, shimmering under the small rays of sun that were coming from the hole connecting this place to the surface. She stood there for a while, her mouth hanging open, as she let the beauty of this place sink in. Then, she remembered that Noctis seemed to have fallen too. For some reason, he wasn't here. But he wasn't that far when Gorof had threw them down.


"I know this name."

"Who's there?"

She found herself so stupid for asking such a question.

"I'm Brent. Brent Brasch. Or so was I, in another life."


A strange, scary laugh started as she could see movement in the back of the room. After the eight
pillars, between this two row of eight pillars. There was someone. Her eyes widened. Not someone, but something!

"Come, child, don't be scared."

The thing before Lightning was approximately as big as the room itself. There were strange mechanical parts coming out from its shape here and there. Scythes on the right, in a bundle of nerve and flesh flashing under the small light. Most of his body was black, but his big feathers, coming out from what Lightning could compare as his shoulder were every shade of blue and red. One eye opened to look at her then a second one and then a third one. They all stared at her. And even if she didn't understand what it was, she knew this was bad. She could almost see its smile. And it was wide and creepy.

"It can't be…"

"Don't be afraid, … You're to be bless my child. I'll give you a strength you've never dreamed of. You'll be his equal. You'll be even stronger than him."

This thing was a fal'cie. And he wasn't sleeping but quite awake and ready to turn her into a l'cie! She couldn't let him, she couldn't…

As she thought she should run away, the crystal pillars started to move and she realized they all were l'cie turned into their crystal stasis. Before she could move an inch, their cold hands were one her, imprisoning her. Her heart had never beat that fast as she saw the fal'cie twisting and contorting his shape to slide himself into the room and walk/slide/float/move towards her. She didn't know how she could describe the way it moved. It was just creepy to see that mix of living and non-living things moving in her direction. She had to run, she had to, for her sake and for Noctis. How could he accept her if she was a l'cie after what he'd been through with Stella –Heather told her everything before that the couple went on their "honeymoon trip" – how could he ever?

She couldn't do that to Serah either. But there was no way to run. Her sword fell on the ground as she fought against the crystal l'cie, as she tried to activate her Anti gravitation system, but it had stop working after a few days on Pulse, it only worked on Cocoon. She felt vulnerable, defenseless as the fal'cie got closer and she could feel his cold breath on her face. Where was Noctis, where was the only fal'cies' slayer of this world now when she really needed him? Why wasn't she able to get out from this terrible situation by herself?

"Calm down, child. You passed the trial."

"Which trial?!"

"You can control the fal'cie's slayer. You can protect us from him."

"What? But I don't want to!"

"Oh oh, you should know Lightning, that there is no choice."

The third eye glowed in the dark and she felt a strange mind invading her own. Picture ran before her eyes. She couldn't breathe. She couldn't think or analyze what was happening.  It was too strong, too sudden. It hurt. She saw Noctis suddenly in this maze of thoughts and tried to grab onto his image, not to let him disappear in all the confusion. So that something friendly would be with her as she felt as she was losing her own reason. The blood, the pain of a thousand years of suffering, the cries of countless people, monsters even more frightening than the adamant tortoise or Noctis on a rampage…

As suddenly as the nightmare as started, everything stopped and Lightning got up slowly, still feeling
dizzy. Her clothes were undone a bit, as if the crystallized l'cies were rough on her, but as she inspected herself, trying to understand just what had happened, she spotted a symbol that never should had been on her skin.


The brand was there, with all the arrows going in every direction they could. It was right in the space between her breasts. She dared to touch it and try to tear it off or something, but it was engraved on the skin. She cursed and hastily zipped her brown shirt to be sure no one could saw the truth. She was a l'cie now. She had a focus to accomplish in a certain amount of time. Just like Serah. Just like Stella.
Sounds of running footsteps came to her hear and as she turned around, she saw the farthest crystal wall being blown up by Noctis' summoned swords. After the terrible weapons, her husband entered the room, breathless, covered in bruises and dirt. His clothes were a mess, just as his hair, but what truly hit her was the fear in his eyes as he scanned the room. When he saw her, his whole face lit up, but only for a while and he ran to her, grabbing her by the shoulder and the fear was strong in his voice as he speak:

"Are you okay Lightning? You're not hurt anywhere? You didn't meet anything strange or…" he stopped to look around, his eyes shooting death glares around, as if he knew what had just happened. Then, he turned back his attention to her. "You don't have a brand somewhere, do you?"

"Wha… why should I have one?"

"There was a fal'cie here just a while ago. I can sense it."

As he said that, his eyes turned slightly red and he seemed ready to kill for a second. But it was all mixed up with worries. And she realized that he was shaking a bit.

"I'm alright Noctis." she tried to calm him down as he seemed ready to strip her naked just to make sure. "Nothing happened. I just woke up from the fall. I only have a few scratches. I didn't see anything strange.", she lied.

He was trying to read the truth in her eyes, but he was so panicked at the same time. He couldn't hear her thoughts. Her presence next to him felt different. He was still mad at himself for the fact that his powers had disappeared even for a few minutes. What if a monster had attacked her? What if she had to fall on a fal'cie? Why did he bring here, in the earth of all danger?

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry Lightning."

As he said that, he hugged her tight and she realized just how important she was for him. She wasn't a replacement. She was his wife. But she felt somehow that he wouldn't be able to survive another heartbreaking lost, as he had with Stella. What that Brasch fal'cie had said ringed in her mind. You can control the fal'cie's slayer. You can protect us from him. This was so wrong. So wrong.

"It's okay Noctis, it wasn't your fault and nothing happened. We just fell in the shrine."

She was trying to sound strong, but she was begging to shake herself. She wanted to stay hidden in his arms forever. Why should this happen to her now, just when she was finally finding happiness.

"I was so scared. I thought I had loose you for a moment."

"I'm here Noctis. It's okay." , she lied again.

I can't let him know , she thought as he held her and as she felt his shaking. I can't hurt him like that. I must hide it from him. I must, otherwise, he'll really break apart. I can't let him know.

She had always hid everything she could from other people. She would let him know and see everything else from her. But she had to keep the fact that she was now a l'cie a secret for her husband. She had to. For his sake.

To be continued.
A harsh chapter in bad memories. And in sad revelations. But hey, that was already planned from chapter one! Hope that you liked it!
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SkiAngel's avatar
You made me cried at the begin. I love the story, don't stop must see more. :D